Native American Health Insurance Plan

You and your family can receive a Native American Health Insurance Plan with ZERO DEDUCTIBLES, ZERO COPAYS, and ZERO PRESCRIPTION COSTS. You’ll no longer be limited to only tribal clinics and no longer need referrals through your tribe. The majority of our clients who qualify have $0 or low cost plans which use major networks of doctors and hospitals and have nationwide options. According to the income guidelines listed below, a single person making $38,000 per year or a family of 4 making less than $78,600 per year could qualify. Even non-card holding family members can get benefits based on income. Please fill out our form to find out if you qualify.


Please answer the questions below to find out if you qualify.

Native American Health Insurance FAQ

  • How much does it cost?

    Most of our clients qualify for free or low-cost plans, but the price will depend on your family size, income, and location. If your income is between 100% to 300% of the federal poverty level, you can have zero dollar or low cost out-of-pocket expenses for covered services like deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.

  • Why do I need health insurance coverage if I get services from the tribal healthcare program?

    By enrolling in health coverage through the Marketplace, you have better access to services that the tribal programs may not provide. You can keep getting services from your tribal health system the same way you do now, but you’ll also have the option of using a standard network of doctors and won’t have to rely on referrals from your tribe. This plan also offers nationwide coverage, so no need to fear if you are far from your tribe’s hospital.

  • Can my spouse/children still qualify if they are not Native American?

    Yes, they can still qualify, but their benefits will be based on the household income instead. Only card carrying members of a federally recognized tribe will qualify for the 100% coverage benefits. Family members that are not tribal members can still qualify for plans that have lower deductibles and prices.